Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's not just the sweets!!

Some people think, "Hey, it's not that difficult to cut out sweets. There are sugar-free alternatives for diabetics."

It's not just sweets. I can't eat bread, cereal, crackers, chips, bagels, pasta, potatoes, rice, yogurt, milk, juice, fruit, and...sweets without thinking and counting and worrying. Some of you eat low-carb diets to lose weight, but imagine doing that for the rest of your life. You mess up; you do a couple extra reps at the gym. I mess up; I lose eyesight, kidney function, sensation in my hands or feet, or worse.

I gave up drinking (my favorite pasttime) in July2009. It was making me black out. It didn't used you. Even a small amount of alcohol started causing blackouts. My sugar was going too low when I drank; I am lucky I didn't end up in a coma. (That's life)

Giving up comfort food is so much harder than giving up alcohol. (yet alcoholics get more sympathy than type 2 diabetics). Ok...enough of trying to educate the haters. lol I just finished grading essays for my freshmen, and I need sleep like crazy.

Spread some loving kindness whenever you can.

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